## page was renamed from AJMGrpOnly/camcasp/display ## page was renamed from ajm/camcasp/display <> = The Display module = CamCASP cannot display graphics as Orient can, but it has a DISPLAY module that allows isosurfaces for molecules and atoms-in-molecules to be calculated. [[ajm/orient/display|This data can be used to generate graphical views in Orient.]] Here we will see how to generate isosurfaces using CamCASP. == Syntax == For a molecular surface, the syntax is: {{{ BEGIN DISPLAY [MOLECULE {name}] [MAXPOINTS $N_{pts}$ | MAXTRIANGLES $N_{tri}$] MOLECULAR-DENSITY SLATER-MULTIPLIER [=] $M_{slater}$ (default 10.0) ISODENSITY $\rho$ STEP [=] {step} [BOHR | ANGSTROM] END END }}} And for atomic surfaces it is {{{ BEGIN DISPLAY [MOLECULE {name}] [MAXPOINTS $N_{pts}$ | MAXTRIANGLES $N_{tri}$] AIM-ATOMS ATOMS [=] [ALL | {list of atom names}] W-MIN [=] $W_{min}$ R-MAX [=] $R_{max}$ SLATER-MULTIPLIER [=] $M_{slater}$ (default 10.0) STEP [=] {step} [BOHR | ANGSTROM] [ANISO-ONLY] AIM-METHOD [DF | ISA ] [FUNC-EXPANSION | GRID-BASED ] [with] [RHO | RHO-C] ISODENSITY [=] $\rho$ (default 0.001) [PREFIX {file prefix}] END END }}} For a description of each option see the User's Guide. == Example: Formamide == Here's part of the CamCASP command file for a set of isodensity surface calculations for the formamide molecule: {{{ ... BEGIN DF Molecule formamide Type RHO Eta = 0.0 Lambda = 1000.0 Print only normalization constraints Solver GELSS Condition = 1e-15 END Begin Multipoles Molecule formamide DF Type RHO with constraints Rank 4 End Begin Display MOL-DENSITY SLATER-MULTIPLIER = 10 DR = 0.2 BOHR DENSITY-METHOD RHO-C ISODENSITY = 0.01 PREFIX formamide_aQZ_iso0.01 END End Begin Display MOL-DENSITY SLATER-MULTIPLIER = 10 DR = 0.3 BOHR DENSITY-METHOD RHO-C ISODENSITY = 0.001 PREFIX formamide_aQZ_iso0.001 END End ... }}} The full [[ajm/camcasp/files/formamide-isodensity|file can be found here.]] The output includes the files: {{{ $ ls HCONH2_aQZ-data-summary.data HCONH2_aQZ_camcasp.out formamide_1.00E-04_iso.grid HCONH2_aQZ.bash formamide_1.00E-02_iso.grid HCONH2_aQZ.cks formamide_1.00E-03_iso.grid }}} The surfaces are included in the *.grid files which are of the form: {{{ MOL-NAME formamide DENSITY-TYPE RHO-C UNITS BOHR BEGIN SITES 1 C 6.00 0.7369 -0.2902 0.0000 2 O 8.00 -0.4197 -2.2642 0.0000 3 N 7.00 -0.3376 2.0382 0.0000 4 H1 1.00 2.8209 -0.2060 0.0000 5 H2 1.00 -2.2333 2.1962 0.0000 6 H3 1.00 0.7228 3.6114 0.0000 END SITES STEP 0.30000000E+00 POINTS 4696 TRIANGLES 9388 BEGIN DATA -4.2000000 1.2000000 -0.7174596 -4.2358335 1.2000000 -0.6000000 -4.2000000 1.1315009 -0.6000000 -4.2912392 1.2000000 -0.3000000 ... ... 5.5275866 0.0000000 -0.3000000 5.5978608 0.0000000 0.0000000 5.5275828 0.0000000 0.3000000 5.4549442 0.3000000 0.0000000 1 2 3 2 4 5 3 2 5 4 6 7 5 4 7 ... ... 4695 4696 4694 4680 4695 4674 4684 4678 4696 4684 4696 4679 END DATA }}} The file contains a short molecule description and then the grid data as a set of points and index triplets that define the triangulation.