#acl +All:read apw185:read,write,delete Known:read All: <> Navigation: * [[AJMPublic/camcasp/energy-scan-module/e1-scan-mc-dc|First-order energy scan: MC/DC case]] * [[AJMPublic/camcasp|CamCASP]] ====== pyridine dimer : ENERGY-SCAN : MC/DC ====== Here the auxiliary basis sets are of type DC, that is, the auxiliary basis of pyridine1 also includes the auxiliary basis functions located on pyridine2 and vice versa. The auxiliary basis sets must be defined to be in the order '''A''' followed by '''B'''. In this case, as the monomers are identical, this does not matter. But if say we had CO interacting with H2O, then the auxiliary basis of CO would have sites listed in the order '''C, O, H, H, O''' and that for H2O would have sites in exactly the same order. This is very important. The actual coordinates of the aux basis functions on the dummy sites does not matter. These coordinates will be updated by the code. [[attachment:pyridine2_daTZMC_aTZDC_E1_scan.cks]] {{{ TITLE pyridine1 and pyridine2 TITLE Basis d-aug-cc-pVTZ and type MC TITLE Midbonds NONE and type weighted TITLE CalculationType: SAPT(DFT) MEMORY 8 GB SET Global_data Units Bohr kJ/mol Scf-code DALTON XC-func PBE0 Overwrite yes END MOLECULE pyridine1 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 Charge 0 Echo No Hessian format SAPT2006 MO-file vectA-daTZ.data Format BINARY IP 0.500000 a.u. Basis Main Spherical Units Bohr Format GAMESS Type MC H1 1.0 -3.87454677 2.40829326 0.00000000 TYPE H1 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H2 1.0 -4.05745524 -2.27382980 0.00000000 TYPE H2 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H3 1.0 0.00000000 -4.70080300 0.00000000 TYPE H3 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H4 1.0 4.05745524 -2.27382980 0.00000000 TYPE H2 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H5 1.0 3.87454677 2.40829326 0.00000000 TYPE H1 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- N 7.0 0.00000000 2.61319624 0.00000000 TYPE N #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/N --- C1 6.0 -2.14372406 1.30476509 0.00000000 TYPE C1 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C2 6.0 -2.24974336 -1.31486189 0.00000000 TYPE C2 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C3 6.0 0.00000000 -2.65300899 0.00000000 TYPE C3 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C4 6.0 2.24974336 -1.31486189 0.00000000 TYPE C2 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C5 6.0 2.14372406 1.30476509 0.00000000 TYPE C1 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- End Basis Aux Spherical Units Bohr Format TURBOMOLE Type DC H1 1.0 -3.87454677 2.40829326 0.00000000 TYPE H1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H2 1.0 -4.05745524 -2.27382980 0.00000000 TYPE H2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H3 1.0 0.00000000 -4.70080300 0.00000000 TYPE H3 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H4 1.0 4.05745524 -2.27382980 0.00000000 TYPE H2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H5 1.0 3.87454677 2.40829326 0.00000000 TYPE H1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- N 7.0 0.00000000 2.61319624 0.00000000 TYPE N Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/N --- C1 6.0 -2.14372406 1.30476509 0.00000000 TYPE C1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C2 6.0 -2.24974336 -1.31486189 0.00000000 TYPE C2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C3 6.0 0.00000000 -2.65300899 0.00000000 TYPE C3 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C4 6.0 2.24974336 -1.31486189 0.00000000 TYPE C2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C5 6.0 2.14372406 1.30476509 0.00000000 TYPE C1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- H1 1.0 -3.87454677 2.40829326 0.00000000 TYPE H1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H2 1.0 -4.05745524 -2.27382980 0.00000000 TYPE H2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H3 1.0 0.00000000 -4.70080300 0.00000000 TYPE H3 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H4 1.0 4.05745524 -2.27382980 0.00000000 TYPE H2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H5 1.0 3.87454677 2.40829326 0.00000000 TYPE H1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- N 7.0 0.00000000 2.61319624 0.00000000 TYPE N Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/N --- C1 6.0 -2.14372406 1.30476509 0.00000000 TYPE C1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C2 6.0 -2.24974336 -1.31486189 0.00000000 TYPE C2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C3 6.0 0.00000000 -2.65300899 0.00000000 TYPE C3 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C4 6.0 2.24974336 -1.31486189 0.00000000 TYPE C2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C5 6.0 2.14372406 1.30476509 0.00000000 TYPE C1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- End END MOLECULE pyridine2 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 Charge 0 Echo No Hessian format SAPT2006 MO-file vectA-daTZ.data Format BINARY IP 0.500000 a.u. Basis Main Spherical Units Bohr Format GAMESS Type MC H1 1.0 -3.87454677 2.40829326 0.00000000 TYPE H1 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H2 1.0 -4.05745524 -2.27382980 0.00000000 TYPE H2 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H3 1.0 0.00000000 -4.70080300 0.00000000 TYPE H3 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H4 1.0 4.05745524 -2.27382980 0.00000000 TYPE H2 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H5 1.0 3.87454677 2.40829326 0.00000000 TYPE H1 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- N 7.0 0.00000000 2.61319624 0.00000000 TYPE N #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/N --- C1 6.0 -2.14372406 1.30476509 0.00000000 TYPE C1 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C2 6.0 -2.24974336 -1.31486189 0.00000000 TYPE C2 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C3 6.0 0.00000000 -2.65300899 0.00000000 TYPE C3 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C4 6.0 2.24974336 -1.31486189 0.00000000 TYPE C2 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C5 6.0 2.14372406 1.30476509 0.00000000 TYPE C1 #include-camcasp basis/gamess_us/d-aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- End Basis Aux Spherical Units Bohr Format TURBOMOLE Type DC H1 1.0 -3.87454677 2.40829326 0.00000000 TYPE H1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H2 1.0 -4.05745524 -2.27382980 0.00000000 TYPE H2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H3 1.0 0.00000000 -4.70080300 0.00000000 TYPE H3 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H4 1.0 4.05745524 -2.27382980 0.00000000 TYPE H2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H5 1.0 3.87454677 2.40829326 0.00000000 TYPE H1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- N 7.0 0.00000000 2.61319624 0.00000000 TYPE N Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/N --- C1 6.0 -2.14372406 1.30476509 0.00000000 TYPE C1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C2 6.0 -2.24974336 -1.31486189 0.00000000 TYPE C2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C3 6.0 0.00000000 -2.65300899 0.00000000 TYPE C3 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C4 6.0 2.24974336 -1.31486189 0.00000000 TYPE C2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C5 6.0 2.14372406 1.30476509 0.00000000 TYPE C1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- H1 1.0 -3.87454677 2.40829326 0.00000000 TYPE H1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H2 1.0 -4.05745524 -2.27382980 0.00000000 TYPE H2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H3 1.0 0.00000000 -4.70080300 0.00000000 TYPE H3 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H4 1.0 4.05745524 -2.27382980 0.00000000 TYPE H2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- H5 1.0 3.87454677 2.40829326 0.00000000 TYPE H1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.000 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/H --- N 7.0 0.00000000 2.61319624 0.00000000 TYPE N Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/N --- C1 6.0 -2.14372406 1.30476509 0.00000000 TYPE C1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C2 6.0 -2.24974336 -1.31486189 0.00000000 TYPE C2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C3 6.0 0.00000000 -2.65300899 0.00000000 TYPE C3 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C4 6.0 2.24974336 -1.31486189 0.00000000 TYPE C2 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- C5 6.0 2.14372406 1.30476509 0.00000000 TYPE C1 Limit G MIN-S-EXP = 0.0 #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/C --- End END ! These two edit commands are needed (at present) to get the code to ! recognise that each molecule has a partner. The partner is used to ! determine the location of sites in the auxiliary basis set. Edit pyridine1 Partner-Monomer = pyridine2 Update Geometry End Edit pyridine2 Partner-Monomer = pyridine1 Update Geometry End BEGIN GRID Molecule pyridine1 Angular 200 Radial 100 END BEGIN GRID Molecule pyridine2 Angular 200 Radial 100 END ! This time we need to force the density-fitting to be re-done for ! every dimer geometry. This is do as the auxiliary basis sets for ! each of the monomers depends on the dimer geometry as they are ! of DC type. ! NOTE: If this is set to FALSE, the module will automatically ! trap the error and make the change. SET DF REDO-DF-ON-ROTATION True END SET DF Molecule pyridine1 Type OO Eta = 0.0 Lambda = 0.0 Gamma = 0.0 Print only normalization constraints Solver LU END SET DF Molecule pyridine2 Type OO Eta = 0.0 Lambda = 0.0 Gamma = 0.0 Print only normalization constraints Solver LU END ! Settings in the DF-INTEGRAL module to calculate only OO-type integrals. Set DF-INTS DF-TYPE-MONOMER OO DF-TYPE-DIMER OO End ! Set options in the energy modules to get more accurate integrals. Set E1elst Integral switch = 1 End Set E1exch Integral switch = 1 End Begin Energy-Scan Probe pyridine1 with pyridine2 Energy E1elst & E1exch Units Bohr ! Debug Points File pyr2-scan.geom --- End FINISH }}}