## page was renamed from AJMGrpOnly/camcasp/files/isa-display ## page was renamed from ajm/camcasp/files/isa-display #acl +All:read apw185:read,write,delete Known:read All: <> = File: isa-display = These are the contents of the ''isa-display'' file used in ISA calculations in CamCASP 5.8. It will usually be in ''$CAMCASP/data/camcasp-cmnds/isa-display'' [[attachment:isa-display]] {{{ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- CamCASP-commands SET QUAD Type Gauss-Legendre Beta 0.5 END BEGIN GRID Molecule A Angular 200 Radial 80 END SET Lattice Charge 1.0 LoLim 2.0 HiLim 4.0 Random 2000 Seed 1 END SET PROPAGATOR Type CKS Hessians Internal DF with constraints DF-integrals END SET DF-INTEGRALS DF-TYPE-MONOMER NN END BEGIN DF Type RHO Eta = 0.0 Lambda = 1000.0 Gamma = 0.0 Print only normalization constraints Solver GELSS Condition = 1e-15 END Begin ISA DF = Drho-C ! W-INIT = Drho-C W-INIT = ONE-GTO ALPHA0 = 1.0 ISA-Algorithm A+DF Zeta = 0.1 DF-PARAMETERS Lambda = 1000.0 Solver LU Convergence Convergence-Type W EPS-Norm = 1.0e-09 EPS-Q = 1.0e-4 Max-Iter = 120 W-Damping = 0.0 W-Mix-Fraction = 0.0 Skip-Iterations = 20 W-Eps = 0.17 S-Block-Only Couple Activate-at 1.0e-05 Positive-W Lambda = 0.001 Auto Max-Alpha = 0.2 Tail-Iterations = 30 End W-TAILS Func = 1 R1-Multiplier = 1.5 R2-Multiplier = 2.5 Fit-Type = 3 W-Tests END End ! Calculate multipoles using ISA densities Begin Multipoles DF Type ISA Rank 4 End ! Generate isodensity surface grids for use in Orient Begin Display Molecular-density Slater-multiplier 5.0 isodensity 0.001 step = 0.3 bohr END AIM-ATOMS AIM-METHOD ISA Grid-based with RHO-C ATOMS = ALL ( specify list of atom labels or specify ALL for all atoms ) W-MIN = 1e-6 ( outer limit of scan determined to be radius at ) ( which shape function is this value ) R-MAX = 5.0 Bohr ( with a maximum radius of this ) SLATER-MULTIPLIER = 10.0 ( can also specify max radius as a ) ( multiple of Slater radius ) DR = 0.2 Bohr ( step size of grid ) AIM-Method ISA Grid-Based with RHO-C ISOdensity = 0.001 END End ! Fine integration grid needed for DMA calculation BEGIN GRID Molecule A Angular 400 Radial 60 END Begin GDMA Bohr ! Original DMA Multipoles Switch 0.0 Limit 5 Punch DMA_Z0_L5.mom Start ! Revised DMA Multipoles Switch 4.0 Limit 5 Punch DMA_Z4_L5.mom Start End End-CamCASP-commands }}}