Iterated stockholder atoms (ISA)


These notes on the ISA were begun a long time ago (pre-CamCASP 5.7!) and while some of this material is still correct, some of it is outdated. Use this page with caution!



\end{equation} and \begin{equation}


I will describe the theory of the CamCASP implementation later.

Convergence problems with the ISA

Some systems have proved difficult to converge with the current ISA algorithm in CamCASP 6.0.x (this is, as yet, a pre-release version) and prior versions of the code. It is not yet possible to say for sure when we may expect a convergence issue, but there are often clues that can help decide how to enable convergence.

Possible causes for failure to converge include:

Case study in ISA convergence : H$_2$S

This seemingly simple molecule posed a problem for the ISA algorithm in CamCASP. This may be related to the unusual geometry of H$_2$S with the rather small bond angle of $92^{\circ}$. In H$_2$O this angle is slightly more than $104^{\circ}$. Anyway the problem is that when you use the default basis sets for an ISA-A calculation in CamCASP 6.0.x the ISA cannot converge and charge violations are very large at around $0.8e$. The basis set used for this was:

Initially I tried increasing the size of the Atom-Aux basis to see if additional flexibility would result in convergence, but it didn't. Then, on a hunch, I reduced the size of both the Aux and Atom-Aux basis sets to include only s- and p-functions and this worked very well. So why were the higher angular functions causing a problem?

The answer seems to be because the Aux basis used Cartesian GTOs, and if, as clearly was the case here, the additional flexibility of a Cartesian GTO set was needed to describe something crucial in the system that no Atom-Aux basis with Spherical GTOs could ever describe, no matter how large and diffuse. So I changed the Aux basis to use Spherical GTOs and this resulted in a rapidly convergent ISA-A solution. But this also led to a loss in accuracy. However this was not a big problem as there is a simple way to recover from this loss. Here's the full procedure:

Important Solution (A) for convergence failure and large charge violations:

  • Step (1) can be achieved with METHOD isa-A. Edit the Cluster command file to make sure that basis sets are appropriate.

  • Step (2) can be achieved with METHOD isa-A-restart.

CamCASP 5.7 notes follow

Most of these notes still hold for later versions of the ISA implementation in CamCASP.

CamCASP commands

Begin Stockholder
  Molecule <NAME | default is first molecule>
  DF [=] [DOO | DOO-C | DRHO (default) | DRHO-C]
  W-INIT [ ALL-GTOS | ONE-GTO [ALPHA0 [=] <alpha0>] | DF (default) | DRHO-C ] 
  ISA-Algorithm [A1 | A2 | B | DF+ISA [ZETA [=] <zeta_ISA>]]
  ISA-Alpha-Min [ 0.0 (default)]
  SOLVER    [LU (default) [[with] ITERATIONS <iterations (default=0)>]]
  SOLVER    [GELSS [[with] CONDITION <condition number (default = 1e-15)>]]
    W-DAMPING [=] <EtaDamp>
    EPS-NORM [=] <eps-norm (default = 1e-9)>
    EPS-Q    [=] <eps-Q (default = 1e-3)>
    MAX-ITERATIONS [=] <max iterations (default = 120)>
    W-MIX-FRACTION [=] <value (default = 0.0)> +++
        [SKIP-ITERATIONS [=] <number (default = 0)>]
    W-EPS [=] <value (default = 0.2)> [COUPLE (default) | DECOUPLE] +++
       [S-BLOCK-ONLY (default) | ALL-BLOCKS] +++
       [SWITCH-ON-EPS-NORM [=] <value | default is 1.0e-5>
    TAIL-ITERATIONS [=] <number of tail iterations (default = 0)>
    [NO-FIX] ( default is to fix the tails )
    R1-MULTIPLIER [=] <value (default = 1.5)>
    R2-MULTIPLIER [=] <value (default = 3.5)>
    FUNC [=] [+-1 | +-2] (default = 1)
    FIT-TYPE [=] [1 | 2 | 3 (default)]
  Symmetry [ON | OFF (default)]

A brief explanation of some of these commands:

A sensible set of commands is:

Begin Stockholder
  Molecule <NAME>
  DF     = Drho
  W-INIT = Drho-C
  ISA-Algorithm DF+ISA  Zeta = 0.9
  Solver GELSS Condition = 1e-10
    Convergence-Type W
    EPS-Norm = 1.0e-09
    EPS-Q    = 1.0e-4
    Max-Iter = 100
    W-Eps = 0.2 ( appropriate for ISA/set1 and ISA/set2 )
    Func = 1
    R1-Multiplier = 2.0
    R2-Multiplier = 3.0
    Fit-Type = 3

This requires that you have done a DF (with TYPE = DRHO) without constraints (to get Drho) and a DF (also TYPE = DRHO) with the Gamma constraint to get Drho-C to initiate the shape functions. It should be possible to initiate the shape functions with Drho too.


Caution: at present the code assumes you have not used the lambda constraint in the DF.

Auxiliary basis sets

Here is the current set of $s$ functions that I use:

   1  s
 256.0       1.0
   1  s
 128.0       1.0
   1  s
  64.0       1.0
   1  s
  32.0                  1.0
   1  s
  16.0                  1.0
   1  s
   8.0                  1.0
   1  s
   4.0                  1.0
   1  s
   2.0                  1.0
   1  s
   1.0                  1.0
   1  s
   0.5                  1.0
   1  s
   0.25                 1.0
   1  s
   0.125                1.0

All you need to do is

Examples: H, O

Mechanism for merging ISA and DF basis sets

We now have a mechanism for merging ISA and DF basis sets. This can be done in the CamCASP command file using:

  O1         8.0        0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000  TYPE O1
    Limit G
    #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/ISA/set2/O
    Symmetry Exclude = S
    #include-camcasp basis/auxiliary/aug-cc-pVTZ/O

Here the ISA/set2 basis is used for the $s$-functions in oxygen atom O1 and the higher symmetry functions are taken from the aug-cc-pVTZ DF basis.

This can be done using the Cluster input file using commands like:

  Molecule H2O2
  Functional PBE0
  Kernel ALDX+CHF   ( Suppress DALTON's CKS )
  Basis aTZ Type DC  Spherical
  Aux-Basis aTZ Type DC Spherical  ( ISA needs Spherical GTOs in the aux basis )
  ISA-Aux set2

Here we have specified both the standard DF basis (aug-cc-pVTZ == aTZ) and the ISA basis (set2).

ISA basis sets


In general, these calculations proceed as follows:

  Molecule H2O
  Angular 200
  Radial  40

SET Lattice
  Charge   1.0
  LoLim    2.0
  HiLim    4.0
  Random   2000
  Seed     1


  Molecule H2O
  Type RHO
  Eta = 0.0
  Lambda = 0.0
  Gamma = 0.0
  Print only normalization constraints

Begin Multipoles
  Molecule H2O
  DF Type RHO without constraints
  Rank 4
  Molecule H2O
  Type RHO
  Eta = 0.0
  Lambda = 0.0
  Gamma = 1e-4  DeltaZ = 0.9
  Print only normalization constraints

Begin Multipoles
  Molecule H2O
  DF Type RHO with constraints
  Rank 4

Begin Stockholder
  Molecule H2O
  DF = Drho
  W-INIT = Drho-C
  ISA-Algorithm DF+ISA  Zeta = 0.05
  ISA-Alpha-Min 0.0
  Solver GELSS Condition = 1e-08
    Convergence-Type Q
    EPS-Norm = 1.0e-10
    EPS-Q    = 1.0e-4
    Max-Iter = 160
    W-Damping = 0.0
    W-Mix-Fraction = 0.0  Skip-Iterations = 20
    Func = 1
    R1-Multiplier = 2.0
    R2-Multiplier = 3.0
    Fit-Type = 3
  ! Verbose
  ! Debug
  ! Debug Extreme

Begin Multipoles
  Molecule H2O
  DF Type ISA
  Rank 4



Here is a water CamCASP command file: H2O-aTZ-ISA.cks

And here is the output: H2O-aTZ-ISA_camcasp.out

The calculation will produce files //w-*.dat// with the shape-functions in them. These are often worth looking at. Plot columns 2:3 for the shape functions. Column 4 contains the function used to fix the tail. Column 5 contains the integrated charge from that point to infinity. The other columns contain various parametes I use for judging the tail fix procedure.

Here are the DF-ISA moments for this example:

! Multipole moments for H2O
! Based on DF-type : ISA
   O     0.00000000     0.00000000     0.00000000     Type    O      Rank   4
       0.202168      -0.000000       0.000000
      -0.037844       0.000000      -0.000000       0.453004      -0.000000
      -0.113196       0.000000       0.000000       0.197884      -0.000000       0.000000
       0.027601       0.000000       0.000000      -0.084861      -0.000000      -0.000000
     -0.000000       0.008559      -0.000000
  H1    -1.45365196     0.00000000    -1.12168732     Type    H      Rank   4
      -0.004289      -0.037414      -0.000000
       0.014214      -0.000821       0.000000       0.017303       0.000000
       0.058745      -0.070990       0.000000      -0.042183       0.000000      -0.036665
       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000      -0.000000       0.000000      -0.000000
     -0.000000      -0.000000       0.000000
  H2     1.45365196     0.00000000    -1.12168732     Type    H      Rank   4
      -0.004289       0.037414      -0.000000
       0.014214       0.000821       0.000000       0.017303      -0.000000
       0.058745       0.070990       0.000000      -0.042183      -0.000000       0.036665
      -0.000000      -0.000000      -0.000000       0.000000       0.000000       0.000000
     -0.000000      -0.000000       0.000000

And these are the DMA2 moments for the same molecule:

!  H2O
!  Basis: aug-cc-pVTZ

O           0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000    Rank  4 Type O
  -0.3786892921   0.0000000000   0.0000000000
   0.1330626405   0.0000000000   0.0000000000   1.5247365276   0.0000000000
   1.2476387160   0.0000000000   0.0000000000  -3.0147271572   0.0000000000
   0.0000000000   0.0000000000
  -3.7837242942   0.0000000000   0.0000000000   5.2979111238   0.0000000000
   0.0000000000   0.0000000000   3.0778615682   0.0000000000

H1         -1.4536519600    0.0000000000   -1.1216873200    Rank  1 Type H
   0.0438156156   0.0181547021   0.0000000000

H2          1.4536519600    0.0000000000   -1.1216873200    Rank  1 Type H
   0.0438156156  -0.0181547021   0.0000000000

It is interesting to see how they compare using the energy maps. The Orient file for energy maps is here.

Even more interesting is how these sets of multipoles behave as we truncate them. The DF-ISA moments exhibit a systematic loss in accuracy, but not the DMA2 moments. This is even more dramatic for pyridine.