Data : A collection for sharing

This is a collection of data made available for sharing. Should you use any of these data, please make sure you make the required citations. Usually this will be indicated, but if in doubt, please contact me.

Geometry format

All dimer/complex geometries are provided in angle-axis format.


Units used are indicated but will usually be:

File formats

The geometry files will be in the format:

Geometry file

  INDEX    Rx     Ry     Rz      ALPHA      Nx     Ny     Nz

The CamCASP energies will be in a gzipped ASCII file with data in labeled columns. This file will be in the following form:

Energy file form

TITLE Energy scan of MOL-A by MOL-B
TITLE Basis sadlej and type MC+ : Midbonds 3s2p1d and type weighted
TITLE DeltaHF calculated in the sadlej DC+ basis
MOL-A pyridine1
MOL-B pyridine2
LABELS  INDEX            Rx            Ry            Rz         alpha            Nx            Ny            Nz      E(1)elst       E(2)ind      E(2)disp      E(1)exch     E(2)exind    E(2)exdisp     TotOverlap     Elst-Asymp   Ind2-Asymp    Disp-Asymp    Delta
         1  -5.870040E-01  3.957260E+00  9.016280E+00  1.227930E+02 -9.097780E-01 -1.008600E-01  4.026560E-01  1.087500E-01 -2.364920E+00 -9.875980E+00  4.871440E+00       1.13405       0.63424       0.0E+00       0.0E+00       0.0E+00       0.0E+00       -0.201356
       500   1.935780E+00  4.367050E+00  8.472710E+00  1.650890E+02 -1.858110E-01 -2.620680E-01  9.469920E-01  8.325110E-01 -1.677643E+00 -8.532201E+00  3.274940E+00  8.059500E-01  4.565130E-01       0.0E+00       0.0E+00       0.0E+00       0.0E+00       -0.117808

As can be seen, the dimer angle-axis information is included in the first seven columns, after which follows energies:

As can be seen, the preamble to the energy file includes information about the system, units, number of data points, and type of calculation.

pyridine dimer

water dimer

methane dimer

methane..water complex

benzene dimer

thiophene dimer

AJMPublic/data (last edited 2021-04-14 11:36:39 by apw109)