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The CamCASP program can be used to generate an isodensity surface using [[ajm:camcasp:display|the Display module]]. And then the ENERGY-SCAN module can be used to calculate the reference energies for this surface. [[ajm:camcasp:energy-scan-display||Instructions are here.]] | The CamCASP program can be used to generate an isodensity surface using [[ajm/camcasp/display|the Display module]]. And then the ENERGY-SCAN module can be used to calculate the reference energies for this surface. [[ajm/camcasp/energy-scan-display||Instructions are here.]] |
Orient: Using the Display : Orient version >= 4.9
In progress!!!
The Orient program can be used to create 3D maps of energies or other quantities mapped onto a surface. These can be scalar or vector maps. Here we will look into using scalar maps.
The idea is to create something that looks like this:
In this map, I have visualised the difference in the electrostatic potential arising from a rank 0 (charge only) multipole model (from the ISA) against a reference potential from SAPT(DFT). Actually, rather than calculate a potential, I have calculated the electrostatic energy between either the charge model or actual density of formamide and a unit point charge. This point charge has been placed at various points on a 0.001 a.u. isodensity surface. Orient allows us to visualise the errors made by the point charge model. This is only one view of an image that can be rotated/moved around using a mouse.
Consider what we need to make such an image:
- molecular geometry
- multipole model
- reference energies/potential
- surface map (triangulated)
- Orient input file for the display
We will usually have the first two so let's consider the others here.
Generating the display data using CamCASP
The CamCASP program can be used to generate an isodensity surface using the Display module. And then the ENERGY-SCAN module can be used to calculate the reference energies for this surface. ajm/camcasp/energy-scan-display
Orient input file for display
Let's start with the Orient file for display as its requirements will become clearer once you see it. The input files used below have been created from an Orient display file generated using the Cluster program.
Display pre-computed reference energies
Here's the input file for displaying a reference energy already calculated, in this case, using the DISPLAY and ENERGY-SCAN modules in CamCASP:
! ORIENT display commands UNITS BOHR Parameters Sites 13 polarizable 11 S-functions 50000 Alphas 50000 Parameter-sets 50000 Pairs 100000 End Types C Z 6 O Z 8 N Z 7 H1 Z 1 H2 Z 1 H3 Z 1 End Molecule formamide at 0.0 0.0 0.0 ! Units BOHR C 0.73690219 -0.29016270 0.00000000 Type C O -0.41965533 -2.26421099 0.00000000 Type O N -0.33761508 2.03824113 0.00000000 Type N H1 2.82092994 -0.20596490 0.00000000 Type H1 H2 -2.23332780 2.19617606 0.00000000 Type H2 H3 0.72278745 3.61139057 0.00000000 Type H3 ! #include HCONH2_DMA2_L4.mom End Edit formamide ! #include formamide.axes Bonds Auto End Units Bohr kJ/mol ! This is a probe of the induction energy Atom X at 0.0 0.0 0.0 rank 0 Q00 = 1.0 End ! Not yet tested Display Import Map HCONH2_1.5vdW_ISA_L4L4_ref.grid ISA-1.5vdW Colour-map 0 210 0.25 1 6 240 0.75 1 12 300 1.0 0 18 360 0.75 1 24 390 0.25 1 End Show ISA-1.5vdW Viewport 08 Colour-scale min -200 max +200 top +200 Ball-and-stick End End Finish
Points to note:
- No multipoles included because...
...we import a grid file that contains the electrostatic energies calculated using the ENERGY-SCAN module in CamCASP.
Also, we have commented out the lines in Display energy that calculate a grid using the atomic van der Waals radii. Once again, this is because the grid is included in the file we imported.
The import from file formamide_1.00E-03_iso_aQZ_Q.elst is done with values. This tells Orient to import energy values at each point.
In this calculation, the probe molecule X does nothing.
You need to adjust the Viewport (distance at which you are viewing the molecule) and Colour-Scale to something appropriate.
Run this using Orient compiled with OPEN_GL and you will see something like this:
The Orient output should look like this:
$ orient < ORIENT version 4.8.15 29 May 2014 by Anthony Stone ... Molecule 1 (Site 1): formamide Origin position (cartesian) 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 Site 2: C Type C Position (cartesian) 0.73690 -0.29016 0.00000 ... Preparing display: formamide...Q 1.0 elst Importing grid and values from file formamide_1.00E-03_iso_aQZ_Q.elst 4704 points and 9404 triangles read from file formamide_1.00E-03_iso_aQZ_Q.elst Displaying values read from file formamide_1.00E-03_iso_aQZ_Q.elst Minimum energy = -174.19700 kJ/mol Maximum energy = 204.53000 kJ/mol Colour scale: bottom -200.00000 kJ/mol top 200.00000 kJ/mol 4704 points, 9404 triangles
The code prints out the Minimum and Maximum energies encountered. Use these values to set the range of the energy scale using the Colour-scale command.
Display using van der Waals surfaces
It is also possible to generate a display within Orient, using the van der Waals surfaces for each atom to create a molecular surface. Orient has default radii for each atom, but they can be set manually (see the Orient manual). Here we use the standard radii. Here's the input file:
! ORIENT display commands UNITS BOHR Parameters Sites 13 polarizable 11 S-functions 50000 Alphas 50000 Parameter-sets 50000 Pairs 100000 End Types C Z 6 O Z 8 N Z 7 H1 Z 1 H2 Z 1 H3 Z 1 End Molecule formamide at 0.0 0.0 0.0 #include formamide_aQZ_B+DF_z0.1_aQZset2_L4.mom End Edit formamide ! #include formamide.axes Bonds Auto End Units Bohr kJ/mol ! This is a probe of the induction energy Atom X at 0.0 0.0 0.0 rank 0 Q00 = 1.0 End Display Grid Name 1.5vdW Title "Elst : ISA L4" Molecule formamide Smoothed 0.5 Step 0.75 B Radius scale 1.5 Add 0.0 End Map Pot-1.5vdW Molecule formamide Title "Elst map of potential" Potential End Colour-map 0 210 0.25 1 6 240 0.75 1 12 300 1.0 0 18 360 0.75 1 24 390 0.25 1 End Show Pot-1.5vdW Viewport 08 Colour-scale min -200 max +200 top +200 Ball-and-stick End End Finish
Points to note:
We now need a multipole moment file. I've used an ISA calculation and the multipole moments can be found in formamide_aQZ_B+DF_z0.1_aQZset2_L4.mom.
The surface is a 1.5 x vdW surface. The 1.5 is set using the Radii command.
Step 0.75 B sets the quality of the surface by defining the size of the triangle edges, in this case, in Bohr.
Grid Exp defines the kind of grid. See the Orient manual for details.
- This time the range of energies is smaller as we have no penentration contribution in this calculation.
- Also, the shape of the surface is quite different from the 0.001 a.u. isodensity surface shown above.
Difference maps using Orient
Now we know how to display energies, but what about differences in energies||width= We often want to compare two models: say, the rank 0 multipole model may need to be compared with SAPT(DFT) or, perhaps more appropriately, with a rank 4 model. How to we do this||width=
The idea here is to import a grid with values (as we did with the SAPT(DFT) reference above) and use it as a REFERENCE. We then compare the energies calculated with a model against these values. Orient will plot the difference. Here's an input file for a comparison against pre-computed SAPT(DFT) electrostatic energies:
Need to be updated
! ORIENT display commands UNITS BOHR Parameters Sites 10 polarizable 8 S-functions 50000 Alphas 50000 Parameter-sets 50000 Pairs 100000 End Types C Z 6 O Z 8 N Z 7 H1 Z 1 H2 Z 1 H3 Z 1 End Molecule HCONH2 at 0.0 0.0 0.0 #include formamide_aQZ_B+DF_z0.1_aQZset2_L4.mom End Edit HCONH2 Bonds Auto Limit Rank 0 for sites C O N Limit Rank 0 for sites H1 H2 H3 End Units Bohr kJ/mol ! This is a probe of the induction energy Atom X at 0.0 0.0 0.0 rank 0 Q00 = +1.0 End Display energy Title "HCONH2...Q 1.0 Elst " Molecule HCONH2 ! * Use the Compare line for energy comparisons and ! * comment out the Radii, Step and Grid lines Import formamide_1.00E-03_iso_aQZ_Q.elst Reference ! Radii scale 2.0 ! Step 0.75 B ! Grid exp Colour-map 0 210 0.25 1 6 240 0.75 1 12 300 1.0 0 18 360 0.75 1 24 390 0.25 1 End Viewport 08 Colour-scale min -30 max +30 top +30 Probe X Ball-and-stick ! * Uncomment the following line for the grid: ! Write HCONH2_2vdW.grid no values End Finish
Points to note:
- We need a multipole model.
We have used the LIMIT option to reduce the rank of the model, in this case, from rank 4 on all atoms, to rank 0 on the hydrogen atoms and rank 0 on the heavier atoms. You could make any model truncation you need.
Import the reference values using Import formamide_1.00E-03_iso_aQZ_Q.elst Reference. The Reference command tells Orient that everything will be compared against the energies in this file.
The Radii, Step and Grid commands are commented out as the Import command reads the grid along with the reference values.
- Since we will be displaying differences, reduce the energy scale.
As usual, Orient will print out a summary when you run it. Here's the tail end of the output containing the relevant details:
Preparing display: HCONH2...Q 1.0 Elst Importing grid and values from file formamide_1.00E-03_iso_aQZ_Q.elst 4704 points and 9404 triangles read from file formamide_1.00E-03_iso_aQZ_Q.elst Displaying calculated values Maximum difference = 14.13234 kJ/mol Minimum difference = -39.17835 kJ/mol r.m.s. difference = 14.57066 kJ/mol average difference = -7.47084 kJ/mol Standard deviation = 12.51095 kJ/mol Colour scale: bottom -30.00000 kJ/mol top 30.00000 kJ/mol 4704 points, 9404 triangles
The max and min differences are reported and may be used to determine the energy diference scale needed. Additionally Orient prints out the r.m.s. and average differences.
Differences against references calculated with Orient
What if we want to compare a rank 0 multipole model against a rank 4 model||width= Or the DMA multipoles against the ISA multipoles||width= In these cases, we might want to define a reference using the ISA rank 4 multipoles. Once we have this reference, we could use the above method to compare any other multipole model against the reference.
In Orient 4.9 the reference can be calculated on the fly. There is the possibility of pre-calculating the reference but this route seems to be buggy at present. So we will tackle the on-the-fly case now:
===Differences: On-the-fly=== To do this we need to define two instances of the molecule of interest:
- - formamide-ref : will be the reference molecule with multipoles up to rank 4 - formamide : this will be the molecule to be tested. It will have a different set of multipoles. Perhaps one with a lower rank the formamide-ref, or just a completely different set.
formamide and formamide-ref must have the same geometry!
Here is the Orient code for these two:
Molecule formamide-ref at 0.0 0.0 0.0 #include formamide_aQZ_B+DF_z0.1_aQZset2_L4.mom End Edit formamide-ref Bonds Auto Limit rank 4 for H1 H2 H3 Limit rank 4 for C O N End Molecule formamide at 0.0 0.0 0.0 #include formamide_aQZ_B+DF_z0.1_aQZset2_L4.mom End Edit formamide Bonds Auto Limit rank 0 for H1 H2 H3 Limit rank 0 for C O N End
Now for the display commands:
- - Grid: First we will use formamide-ref to define the grid. - Map: Then we will use the MAP function to create a reference potential calculation on this grid. This will use formamide-ref. - Map: And once again use the MAP function, this time for molecule formamide. - Map Difference: We will use a third MAP function to take the difference in the previous maps. - Colour: Define the colour map. - Show: And finally display the difference map. - Describe: Use this function to print out some information about the map. This is particularly useful for difference maps.
The commands to do this are:
Display ! Generate the grid around one of the formamide molecules Grid Name 1.5vdW Title "Elst : ISA L4" Molecule formamide-ref Smoothed 0.5 Step 0.75 B Radius scale 1.5 Add 0.0 End ! And the potential on this grid for the reference formamide Map L4-1.5vdW Molecule formamide-ref Title "Elst map of potential" Potential End ! And the potential on the same grid for the test formamdie Map Ln-1.5vdW Molecule formamide Title "Elst map of potential" Potential End ! Now take the difference of the two: Map Diff Molecule formamide Title "Diff Elst map of potential" Difference L4-1.5vdW minus Ln-1.5vdW End ! Write out some useful information about the difference map: Describe Map Diff Colour-map 0 210 0.25 1 6 240 0.75 1 12 300 1.0 0 18 360 0.75 1 24 390 0.25 1 End ! And finally, display the difference map: Show Diff Viewport 08 Colour-scale min -30 max +30 top +30 Ball-and-stick End End
Here is the entire file for a difference map calculation:
! ORIENT display commands UNITS BOHR Parameters Sites 50 polarizable 11 S-functions 50000 Alphas 50000 Parameter-sets 50000 Pairs 100000 End Types C Z 6 O Z 8 N Z 7 H1 Z 1 H2 Z 1 H3 Z 1 End Molecule formamide-ref at 0.0 0.0 0.0 #include formamide_aQZ_B+DF_z0.1_aQZset2_L4.mom End Edit formamide-ref Bonds Auto Limit rank 4 for H1 H2 H3 Limit rank 4 for C O N End Molecule formamide at 0.0 0.0 0.0 #include formamide_aQZ_B+DF_z0.1_aQZset2_L4.mom End Edit formamide Bonds Auto Limit rank 0 for H1 H2 H3 Limit rank 0 for C O N End Units Bohr kJ/mol Display ! Generate the grid around one of the formamide molecules Grid Name 1.5vdW Title "Elst : ISA L4" Molecule formamide-ref Smoothed 0.5 Step 0.75 B Radius scale 1.5 Add 0.0 End ! And the potential on this grid for the reference formamide Map L4-1.5vdW Molecule formamide-ref Title "Elst map of potential" Potential End ! And the potential on the same grid for the test formamdie Map Ln-1.5vdW Molecule formamide Title "Elst map of potential" Potential End ! Now take the difference of the two: Map Diff Molecule formamide Title "Diff Elst map of potential" Difference L4-1.5vdW minus Ln-1.5vdW End ! Write out some useful information about the difference map: Describe Map Diff Colour-map 0 210 0.25 1 6 240 0.75 1 12 300 1.0 0 18 360 0.75 1 24 390 0.25 1 End ! And finally, display the difference map: Show Diff Viewport 08 Colour-scale min -30 max +30 top +30 Ball-and-stick End End Finish
Try this out with different ranks for the multipoles on molecule formamide. You should get an output like:
ORIENT version 4.9.04 03 Aug 2016 by Anthony Stone ... ... Target grid spacing = 0.7500 bohr Finding smoothed surface grid 1150 points, 2296 triangles Minimum potential = -1.26422 V ( -0.04646 a.u.) Maximum potential = 1.12788 V ( 0.04145 a.u.) Minimum potential = -1.36323 V ( -0.05010 a.u.) Maximum potential = 1.10025 V ( 0.04043 a.u.) Minimum potential = -0.14260 V ( -0.00524 a.u.) Maximum potential = 0.10640 V ( 0.00391 a.u.) Map 3: Diff Grid 1.5vdW Defined T, Scalar T, vector F Molecule 2 formamide Step 0.750 1150 points Minimum scalar value -13.75879 kJ/mol, maximum 10.26584 kJ/mol R.m.s. difference = 6.12867 kJ/mol Colour scale: bottom -30.00000 kJ/mol top 30.00000 kJ/mol Entering show_map