## page was renamed from AJMGrpOnly/teaching/arduino-pi/projects/arduino/boe-bot/rowan-code ## page was renamed from ajm/teaching/arduino-pi/projects/arduino/boe-bot/rowan-code <> = Rowan Mottram's BOE Bot code (QMUL 2013) = BOE bot with IR navigation. [[attachment:Rowan Mottram]] {{{ /* * Robotics with the BOE Shield - Maze Navigation * This code was designed for the lab floor with less than satisfactory IR Sensors that required delicate positioning. * These numbers can be modified in the area of code beneath the library call */ #include // Include servo library /* * This section contains variables to represent numbers that might need some changing due to the surfaces. The suggest values are the numbers used in the project in general. */ int SpinDetectRotation = 300; // Largely dependant on the surface. You want it so that each rotation results in SpinDetectAnglePer degrees around. Values 220, 300 worked. int SpinDetectAnglePer = 13; // Should be kept small so it doesn't skip an area with no IR detection Values 9 , 13 respectively worked. int ReverseUponSingleDetection = 60; // The time (ms) that the robot reverses for after it has detected an object to either its left or right (but not both) Values 40, 60 worked int RotateUponSingleDetection = 250; // The time (ms) that the robot rotates for after it has detected an object to either its left or right (but not both) Values 200, 300 worked int RepeatBumpReverseFactor = 60; // The time (ms) multipled per repeated collision the robot should reverse for. Values 60-100 worked int RepeatBumpRotateFactor = 40; // The time (ms) multipied per repeated collision the robot should rotate for Values 40-100 worked int LongTimeNoDetectionReverseFactor = 500; // The time (ms) that the robot should reverse for if it hasn't detected anything for a while Values 500-700 worked int LongTimeNoDetectionRotateFactor = 500; // in the situation it is unable to detect an object it is stuck on Values 300-700 worked /* * The main body of the code follows */ Servo servoLeft; // Declare left and right servos Servo servoRight; int lcounter = 0; // List of variables in use int rcounter = 0; int fcounter = 0; int randy = 0; void setup() { pinMode(10, INPUT); pinMode(9, OUTPUT); // Left IR LED & Receiver pinMode(3, INPUT); pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // Right IR LED & Receiver pinMode(8, OUTPUT); pinMode(7, OUTPUT); // Indicator LEDs //Serial.begin(9600); // For debugging on serial monitor tone(4, 3200, 200); // Initialization tone delay(250); tone(4, 3200, 200); delay(1000); servoLeft.attach(13); servoRight.attach(12); } void loop() { int irLeft = irDetect(9, 10, 44000); // Detect object on left, if = 0, detection has occurred int irRight = irDetect(2, 3, 44500); // Detect object on right, if = 0, detection has occurred if((irLeft == 0) && (irRight == 0)) // If object is detected infront { move(-90, -70, 60); // Move back fcounter = 0; // Not moving forwards excessively, reset counter int ALocal = 0; // Going to be rotating, set ALocal to 0 again while((irLeft == 0) && (irRight == 0)) // While object is detected infront, { digitalWrite(7, HIGH); // Brighten both LEDS digitalWrite(8, HIGH); move(0,0,10); // Stop move(-90,-70,40); // Reverse move(0,0,10); // Stop move(-200,200,(SpinDetectRotation)); // Rotate ALocal = ALocal+(SpinDetectAnglePer); // Add some angle change if((irLeft != 0) && (irRight != 0)) // If it is able to escape but the angle change is not as required in the below condition, turn LEDS off { digitalWrite(7, LOW); // Dim both LEDs digitalWrite(8, LOW); } int irLeft = irDetect(9, 10, 44000); // Redetect if the object is still there (since there has been a delay of 360 above) int irRight = irDetect(2, 3, 44500); if(((irLeft != 0) && (irRight != 0)) && ((ALocal > 225) || (ALocal < 145))) // If angle is not 180±45 degree turn and there is no object detected { break; // Escape from the while. } } // If it didn't escape from the while it will return to [1] above } else if((irLeft == 0) && (irRight != 0) && (lcounter < 3)) // If an object is detected to the left and no object is detected to the right { digitalWrite(8, HIGH); // Light up the left LED digitalWrite(7, LOW); // Dim the right LED move(-90,-70,(ReverseUponSingleDetection)); // Slight move backwards move(200,-200,(RotateUponSingleDetection)); // Rotate move(90, 70, 80); // Slight move forwards move(0,0,10); // Pause to allow accurate motion. rcounter = (0); // Set the amount of times the object has been to the right to 0 (since it just did the left option) lcounter = (lcounter+1); // Add to the amount of the times the object has been to the left of the object - See later for what this causes fcounter = (0); // Reset the forward counter - see later } else if((irLeft != 0) && (irRight == 0) && (rcounter < 3)) // The above code except left is considered right { digitalWrite(7, HIGH); digitalWrite(8, LOW); move(-90,-70,(ReverseUponSingleDetection)); move(-200,200,(RotateUponSingleDetection)); move(90,70,80); move(0,0,10); lcounter = (0); rcounter = (rcounter+1); fcounter = (0); } else if((irLeft == 0) && (irRight != 0) && (lcounter > 2)) // After the object has detected something to the left repeatedly, this being the third time { digitalWrite(8, HIGH); digitalWrite(7, LOW); move(-90,-70,((ReverseUponSingleDetection)+((RepeatBumpReverseFactor)*lcounter))); // Move backwards by an amount dependant on the left counter value. The more times it hits something, the more it moves back move(200,-200,((RotateUponSingleDetection)+((RepeatBumpRotateFactor)*lcounter))); // Rotate by an amount dependant on the left counter value. The more times it hits something, the more it rotates move(90,70,80); move(0,0,10); // Pause to allow accurate motion. fcounter = 0; } else if((irLeft != 0) && (irRight == 0) && (rcounter > 2)) // The above code, except left is considered right { digitalWrite(7, HIGH); digitalWrite(8, LOW); move(-90,-70,((ReverseUponSingleDetection)+((RepeatBumpReverseFactor)*rcounter))); // The value for 100*rcounter might need to be decreased to 60 move(-200,200,((RotateUponSingleDetection)+((RepeatBumpRotateFactor)*rcounter))); // The value for 100*rcounter might need to be decreased to 40 move(90,70,80); move(0,0,10); fcounter = 0; } else if((irLeft != 0) && (irRight != 0) && (fcounter > 15)) // [2] When the object has reached a forward counter of 15 it will assume it is stuck unable to detect the obstacle { randy = random(1,2); // Pick between 1 and 2 if(randy == 1) { move(-90,-70,(LongTimeNoDetectionReverseFactor)); // Large reverse move(-200,200,(LongTimeNoDetectionRotateFactor)); // Large rotation move(90,70,80); move(0,0,10); // Pause to allow accurate motion. fcounter = 0; } else if(randy == 2) // The above code except rotating the opposite direction { move(-90,-70,(LongTimeNoDetectionReverseFactor)); move(200,-200,(LongTimeNoDetectionRotateFactor)); move(90,70,80); move(0,0,10); fcounter = 0; } } else // If nothing satisfies the conditions above (so no obstructions), it will move forwards { digitalWrite(7, LOW); // No obstacles, so dim the LEDs digitalWrite(8, LOW); move(90,70,250); // Move forwards a set amount move(0,0,10); // Pause to allow accurate motion. fcounter = (fcounter+1); // Each bit of movement forwards adds 1 to the counter. Eventually it will stop and carry out the code at [2] because it >might< be stuck. } } int irDetect(int irLedPin, int irReceiverPin, long frequency) // Important stuff about the IR sensors. { tone(irLedPin, frequency, 8); // Emit some frequency wave delay(1); // Wait 1ms int ir = digitalRead(irReceiverPin); // Read if there is a frequency returned (the wave has bounced off the object into the sensor) delay(1); // Wait 1ms return ir; // Return 1 is no wave detected, 0 if wave detected. } void move(int left, int right, int time) // Simple movement function. { servoLeft.writeMicroseconds(1500 + left); servoRight.writeMicroseconds(1500 - right); delay(time); } }}}