Ar$_2$ : DFT calculations of the PES

In this lab we will re-calculate the Ar dimer PES using various density functionals. The idea here is to get a feel for what we may expect of density functional theory.

Structure of the DFT block

The NWCHem input file will be similar to what you have used for HF, but now you include the DFT commands as follows

NWChem DFT bloc


Task DFT

Options in the DFT block

The DFT calculations are conceptually similar to the HF ones you've already done, but they typically involve a lot more options. The main NWChem page on DFT is here, and here are the issues you will need to keep in mind:

A sample DFT block might be:

DFT commands with LC-PBE and dispersion correction

  xc xcampbe96 1.0 cpbe96 1.0 HFexch 1.0
  cam 0.30 cam_alpha 0.0 cam_beta 1.0
  Iterations 60

This set of commands defines the LC-PBE functional with the Grimme dispersion correction. We have set a maximum number of iterations to 60 and requested that NWChem performs the calculation in memory (the Direct option).

You find the commands needed to define functionals on the DFT webpage of the NWChem site. But here are the commands for the four functionals listed above:


  xc xpbe96 cpbe96


  xc pbe0


    xc xcampbe96 1.0 cpbe96 1.0 HFexch 1.0
    cam 0.30 cam_alpha 0.0 cam_beta 1.0


xc xcampbe96 1.0 cpbe96 1.0 HFexch 1.0
cam 0.30 cam_alpha 0.25 cam_beta 0.75

The LC-type functionals are the long-range corrected functionals that use HF-type exchange for the long-range part and DFT-type exchange for the short-range. The cam scheme is a splicing scheme that allows us to mesh the two parts together.

Interaction energies using DFT

You will encounter some of the biggest problems with DFT when using it to compute interaction energies. These are



Here you will be investigating the performance of various density functionals on the argon dimer system. Frankly, this is not really representative and the water dimer, with its hydrogen bond, would have been a better example. But this example is simple enough as we can vary the dimer geometry quite easily.

Here is what you will be investigating:


How will you go about investigating all these aspects of DFT?

  • You could either compute interaction energies at all $R$ values you used to make the argon dimer interaction energy plot using MP2. But this could take time.

  • Or you could fix the dimer geometry at the minimum energy separation, and decide on the best basis, functional and dispersion correction, and subsequently compute the interaction energies at all separations.

The latter is definitely less work, but is not a good idea as it can be misleading to look at the performance of a method for a single geometry. Instead I suggest you do the following:

  • - Fix the argon dimer at its minimum energy geometry. - Use the PBE functional to compute the interaction energy using a variety of basis sets. Decide on the best basis set. Keep this fixed for the next steps.

    - Using the basis from above, calculate the interaction energy using the PBE, PBE0, LC-PBE, and LC-PBE0 functionals (you may include more) at all dimer geometries. There is a script below which will allow you to do this easily. - Then repeat this using the two dispersion corrections.

Make plots. Don't put too many curves on a graph as it will not be easy to see them. Analyse your data.


You should end this exercise with a reasonably good idea of the best basis set, XC functional and dispersion correction for use with Ar$_2$. Unfortunately, these conclusions will not necessarily extend to other systems, but we will tackle that problem some other time.

Inputs and codes

Here is a sample template for the Python code. This is the template for the PBE0 functional with the DISP dispersion correction. You will need to insert this into the Python program. Make sure you make the required changes to the template for each of the tasks you need to perform.

Sample template for the Python code

input_file_template = """
title "Ar dimer BSSE corrected DFT interaction energy"
scratch_dir {scratch}/nwchem
geometry units angstrom "Ar+Ar"
 Ar1 0 0 0
 Ar2 0 0 {R}
geometry units angstrom "Ar+ghost"
 Ar1 0 0 0
 BqAr 0 0 {R}
 Ar1 library    {basis}
 Ar2 library    {basis}
 BqAr library Ar {basis}
  xc pbe0
  iterations 60

set geometry "Ar+Ar"
task dft
unset geometry "Ar+Ar"
dft; vectors atomic; end
set geometry "Ar+ghost"
task dft
unset geometry "Ar+ghost"

Python code to do the batch jobs

This one is from Mark. Thanks, Mark!

Ar$_2$ job automation

import argparse, numpy, subprocess, re, sys
import os
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Parse command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = """
Create a set of NWChem input files for the Ar2 dimer, run NWChem on them, and
parse the output for interaction energy.
parser.add_argument("-m", "--min", dest="minR", type=float, default=2.5,
                    help="minimum Ar separation in A")
parser.add_argument("-M", "--max", dest="maxR", type=float, default=5.5,
                    help="maximum Ar separation in A")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--delta", dest="deltaR", type=float, default=0.5,
                    help="step size for Ar separation in A")
parser.add_argument("-b", "--basis", dest="basis", type=str, default="aug-cc-pvtz",
                    help="basis set used in calculation")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", dest="output", type=str, default="output.txt",
                    help="output text file")
args = parser.parse_args()
nwchem_dir = os.environ["NWCHEM_TOP"]
username = os.environ["USER"]
nproc = "1"
#usage = 'Usage: %s minR maxR dR output' % sys.argv[0]
#        minR   = float(sys.argv[1])
#        maxR   = float(sys.argv[2])
#        deltaR = float(sys.argv[3])
#        file   = sys.argv[4]
#        print usage; sys.exit(1)
# This command uses the minR, maxR and deltaR arguments to create an array.
positions = numpy.arange(args.minR, args.maxR + 0.00001, args.deltaR)
# If you need a non-uniform set of points, you can define them 
# using the numpy.array command as follows. If you wish to use this approach,
# un-comment the following line and comment out the one above.
#positions = numpy.array([ 3.0, 3.5, 3.75, 4.0, 4.25, 4.5, 4.75, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 ])
print "Basis set ",args.basis
print "positions = ", positions
print "Output to : ",args.output
output = open(args.output,'w')
# Conversion factor:
au2cm = 219474.631371
# Construct input files
input_file_template = """
title "Ar dimer BSSE corrected DFT interaction energy"
scratch_dir /scratch/HDD_2T/esm/{user}/nwchem
geometry units angstrom "Ar+Ar"
 Ar1 0 0 0
 Ar2 0 0 {R}
geometry units angstrom "Ar+ghost"
 Ar1  0 0 0
 BqAr 0 0 {R}
 Ar1   library    {basis}
 Ar2   library    {basis}
 BqAr  library Ar {basis}
  xc pbe0
  iterations 60
set geometry "Ar+Ar"
task dft
unset geometry "Ar+Ar"
dft; vectors hcore; end
set geometry "Ar+ghost"
task dft
unset geometry "Ar+ghost"
# Regular expressions to find the right lines in the file
dft_re = re.compile("Total DFT energy =\s+(-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+)")

# Dictionary to store the energies we find
energies = {}
# Main loop through different position values
for ar_position in positions:
    print "Current position = ",ar_position
    input_file_name = "in-R{0:5.3f}.nw".format(ar_position)
    output_file_name = "out-R{0:5.3f}.out".format(ar_position)
    # Write input file
    with open(input_file_name,"w") as INP:
        INP.write(input_file_template.format(R=ar_position, basis=args.basis, user=username))
    # Run NWChem
    output_file = open(output_file_name, "w")["mpirun.mpich","-np 1",os.path.join(nwchem_dir,"bin/nwchem"), input_file_name],["mpirun.mpich","-np",nproc,"nwchem", input_file_name],
                                                stdout=output_file, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    # Read output file back in
    output_file = open(output_file_name, "r")
    dft_energies = []
    for line in output_file:
        dft_match =
        if dft_match:
    if not (len(dft_energies) == 2):
        print "Apparent error in output file! {0:d} DFT energies found.".format(len(dft_energies))
    print "dft_energies ", dft_energies     
    energies[ar_position] = dft_energies
    dft_dimer   = energies[ar_position][0]
    dft_monomer = energies[ar_position][1]
    dft_interaction = dft_dimer - 2*dft_monomer
    print "Eint[DFT] = ",dft_interaction*au2cm
# prepare plots
dft_dimer = numpy.array([energies[p][0] for p in positions])
dft_monomer = numpy.array([energies[p][1] for p in positions])
dft_interaction = dft_dimer - 2*dft_monomer
# convert to cm-1
dft_interaction = au2cm*dft_interaction
output.write(('%10s '*4 + '\n') % 
             ("   R    ","DFT mono","DFT dimr","DFT int "))
for i in range(len(positions)):
    output.write(('%10.6f '*4 + '\n') %
    dft_monomer[i], dft_dimer[i], dft_interaction[i]))

AJMPublic/teaching/electronic-structure/practical-Ar2-dft (last edited 2021-04-14 13:53:41 by apw109)