#acl +All:read Default ## page was renamed from MarcellaBonaUTfit/postEPS11 ## page was renamed from MarcellaBona/UTfit/postEPS11 ##master-page:HomepagePrivatePageTemplate ##master-date:Unknown-Date #format wiki #language en === Marcella Bona's wiki === == UTfit == === EPS talk updated === * my EPS talk updated with the new numbers and the new plots: * pdf: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/bona-postEPS.pdf * odp: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/bona-postEPS.odp * ppt: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/bona-postEPS.ppt === post EPS11 update for LP conference === * input updates: * gamma: including the EPS updates * updated experimental value: '''79 +/- 10 degrees''' * gamma plot with all the separate contributions: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/gamma/gamma_postEPS11.eps * gamma on the rhobar-etabar plane: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/gamma/gamma_rhoetaplane.eps * r parameters: * DK decays: '''r(DK) = 0.104 +/- 0.013''': http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/gamma/r_vs_gamma_postEPS11.eps * D*K decays: '''r(D*K) = 0.10 +/- 0.03''': http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/gamma/rstar_vs_gamma_postEPS11.eps * DK* decays: '''r(DK*) = 0.11 +/- 0.06''': http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/gamma/rkstd_vs_gamma_postEPS11.eps * DK* decays: '''r(DK*) = 0.26 +/- 0.08''': http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/gamma/rdkst0_vs_gamma_postEPS11.eps * V,,ub,,: including the EPS updates * updated experimental inputs: exclusive: '''V,,ub,, = 3.26 +/- 0.30 10^-3^''' inclusive: '''V,,ub,, = 4.40 +/- 0.31 10^-3^''' * the discrepancy between the two values is at the level of 2.6 sigmas * updated experimental value used as incl+excl combination: '''V,,ub,, = 3.83 +/- 0.57 10^-3^''' * V,,ub,, plot with all the separate contributions: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/semilep/vub_postEPS11.eps * compatibility plot with the rest of the fit (see below for explanation): http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/pulls/pull_Vubfit1.eps * V,,cb,,: including the EPS updates * updated experimental inputs: exclusive: '''V,,cb,, = 39.5 +/- 1.0 10^-3^''' inclusive: '''V,,cb,, = 41.7 +/- 0.7 10^-3^''' * the discrepancy between the two values is at the level of 1.8 sigmas * updated experimental value used as incl+excl combination: '''V,,cb,, = 41.0 +/- 1.0 10^-3^''' * V,,cb,, plot with all the separate contributions: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/semilep/vcb_postEPS11.eps * Standard Model fit: inclusive vs exclusive * exclusive only: * rhobar-etabar planes with all the constraints: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/semilep/all_exclusive_postEPS11.eps * sin2beta compatibility plot: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/semilep/pull_sin2bfit3_exclusive.eps sin2beta from the rest of the fit: '''sin2beta = 0.706 +/- 0.041''' corresponding to a difference of '''~0.8 sigma''' with respect to the experimental value * inclusive only: * rhobar-etabar planes with all the constraints: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/semilep/all_inclusive_postEPS11.eps * sin2beta compatibility plot: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/semilep/pull_sin2bfit3_inclusive.eps sin2beta from the rest of the fit: '''sin2beta = 0.791 +/- 0.041''' corresponding to a difference of '''~2.6 sigma''' with respect to the experimental value * sin2beta predictions: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/sin2beta_nosemileptonic.eps || inputs used || sin2beta value || sigmas from the experimental value || || no semileptonic (no Vub or Vcb) || '''0.76 +/- 0.10''' || 0.9 || || exclusive only || '''0.706 +/- 0.041''' || 0.8 || || inclusive only || '''0.791 +/- 0.041''' || 2.6 || * sin2beta compatibility plot without using the semileptonic results: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/pulls/pull_sin2bfit3_nosemileptonic.eps === SM update === * Standard Model fit updates: * rhobar-etabar plane with all the constraints: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/all_postEPS11.eps same plot only rectangular: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/all_postEPS11_rectangular.eps * numerical results: || parameter || fit output || || rhobar || '''0.132 +/- 0.020''' || || etabar || '''0.353 +/- 0.014''' || || alpha || '''88 +/- 3''' || || beta || '''22 +/- 1''' || || gamma || '''69 +/- 3''' || * rhobar-etabar plane using angles only: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/angles_postEPS11.eps same plot only rectangular: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/angles_postEPS11_rectangular.eps || parameter || fit output || || rhobar || '''0.129 +/- 0.027''' || || etabar || '''0.340 +/- 0.016''' || * rhobar-etabar plane not using angles (sides and epsk): http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/sides_postEPS11.eps same plot only rectangular: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/sides_postEPS11_rectangular.eps || parameter || fit output || || rhobar || '''0.155 +/- 0.038''' || || etabar || '''0.404 +/- 0.039''' || * compatibility plots: .to “measure” the agreement of a single measurement with the indirect determination from the fit using all the other inputs: Color code: agreement between the predicted values and the measurements at better than 1, 2, ...nsigma.// The cross has the coordinates (x,y)=(central value, error) of the direct measurement || compatibilty plots || UTfit value || experimental value || difference in ~sigmas || || [[http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/pulls/pull_sin2bfit3.eps|sin2beta]] || 0.795 +/- 0.051 || 0.667 +/- 0.021 || 2.3 || || [[http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/pulls/pull_alphafit2.eps|alpha]] [degrees] || 85 +/- 4 || 91 +/- 6 || 0.7 || || [[http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/pulls/pull_DeltaMsfit5.eps|DeltaMs]] [ps^-1^] || 19.1 +/- 1.5 || 17.70 +/- 0.08 || 1.0 || || [[http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/pulls/pull_Vubfit1.eps|Vub]] [10^-3^] || 3.63 +/- 0.15 || 3.83 +/- 0.57 || 0.3 || || [[http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/pulls/pull_gammafit1.eps|gamma]] [degrees] || 69 +/- 3 || 79 +/- 10 || 0.9 || || [[http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/pulls/pull_btaunufit8.eps|B to taunu]] [10^-4^] || 0.83 +/- 0.08 || 1.64 +/- 0.34 || 2.3 || || [[http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/pulls/pull_BRbsllfit1.eps|Bs to ll]] [10^-9^] || 3.55 +/- 0.28 || 18 +/- 11 || 1.3 || || [[http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/pulls/pull_Bkfit1.eps|Bk]] || 0.88 +/- 0.09 || 0.731 +/- 0.036 || 1.4 || === NP update === * New Physics fit updates: in the 2-dimensional plots of the NP parameters, the red cross represents the SM value. * rho-eta plane: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/np/np.eps || parameter || fit output || || rhobar || '''0.129 +/- 0.040''' || || etabar || '''0.392 +/- 0.055''' || * K system: 2-dimensional plot of the NP coefficients: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/np/C_epsKvsC_DmKfit1.eps and 1-dimensional plots: * C_epsK: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/np/C_epsKfit1.eps * C_DmK: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/np/C_DmKfit1.eps || parameter || fit output || sigmas from the SM || || C_epsK || '''0.98 +/- 0.17''' || 0.1 || || C_DmK || '''0.97 +/- 0.34''' || 0.5 || * Bd system: 2-dimensional plot of the NP coefficients: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/np/Phi_BdvsC_Bdfit1.eps and 1-dimensional plots: * C_Bd: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/np/C_Bdfit1.eps * Phi_Bd: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/np/Phi_Bdfit1.eps || parameter || fit output || sigmas from the SM || || C_Bd || '''0.79 +/- 0.12''' || 1.5 || || Phi_Bd || '''-3.2 +/- 3.7''' || 0.8 || * Bs system: 2-dimensional plot of the NP coefficients: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/np/Phi_BsvsC_Bsfit1.eps and 1-dimensional plots: * C_Bs: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/np/C_Bsfit1.eps * Phi_Bs: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/np/Phi_Bsfit1.eps || parameter || fit output || sigmas from the SM || || C_Bs || '''0.84 +/- 0.10''' || 1.5 || || Phi_Bs || '''-18 +/- 10''' || 1.6 || * more results on the Bs system: NP phase Phi_Bs with different constraints used * not using the J/psi Phi result: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/np/Phi_Bsfit2.eps Phi_Bs = '''-45 +/- 19''' (2.5 sigmas) * using only the J/psi Phi result: http://pprc.qmul.ac.uk/~bona/utfit/postEPS11/np/Phi_Bsfit7.eps Phi_Bs = '''-10 +/- 10''' && '''72 +/- 13''' (1.0 sigma)