Getting started with NWChem
First things : setting up your machine
You may have done some of these steps before. If so, skip to the ones you have not done...
On your first login you will need to change your password using the
passwd command:
$ passwd <enter>
and follow the instructions.
Next, set up a few environment variables and commands. Linux allows you to customize your shell using commands/definitions placed in the .bashrc (it starts with a '.' - this type of file is usually hidden from view) and, sometimes, the .bash_profile file. Both of these are located in your $HOME'' directory. ''$HOME is itself an environment variable that contains the location of your home directory:
$ echo $HOME /home/alston
That's my home directory. The echo command echos to the contents of the environment variable (all these begin with a $ and contain uppercase letters only! $ echo $home will not work. Try it!) to the screen.
Another useful variable is $USER. Figure out what it contains.
We need to define a few more commands/variables as follows: First go to your $HOME directory:
$ cd <--- 'cd' without an argument will take us home. $ vi .bashrc <--- or use emacs. Try not to use pico!
Now edit the .bashrc file to include the following (do not erase anything that might already exist in the file):
# your .bashrc file will contain commands. Add these to the end of the file. # # User commands AJMHOME=/home/apw185 #NWChem export NWCHEM_TOP=${HOME}/NWChem/nwchem-6.6/ export NWCHEM_TARGET=LINUX64 export NWCHEM_INSTALL=${AJMHOME}/install/nwchem-6.6 export NWCHEM_BASIS_LIBRARY=${NWCHEM_INSTALL}/data/libraries/ # Define the system PATH: export PATH=${AJMHOME}/bin:${AJMHOME}/install/bin/:${NWCHEM_INSTALL}/bin/:${PATH} # Make a scratch directory in your home dir: export SCRATCH=${HOME}/scratch/ # Other commands: export QUEUE='batch' export CORES=4 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
Defining your scracth directory
Make a scratch directory in your HOME directory:
- $ cd $ mkdir scratch
Note: This applies only to those of you with accounts on comanche: If you have an ESM account (it will be of the form esm_xxxx_x) then you need to define the SCRATCH variable differently:
- export SCRATCH=/scratch/HDD_2T/esm/${USER}
Put the above in your .bashrc file.
Once all these commands are in the .bashrc file you need to either log out and log back on (this file is executed only on login) or force execution using
$ source .bashrc
Check if this has worked using the <TAB> auto-completion. This is cool. You type in the first few letters of the command you want and hit <TAB> which then attempts to complete the command for you. So if nwchem is now correctly on our $PATH then
$ nw<TAB>
should result in
$ nwchem
If not, then something is wrong. Either the $PATH is not correctly defined or the binary file nwchem is not where it is.
To see where commands are located (where the files actually reside) use
$ which nwchem /home/apw185/install/nwchem-6.6/bin//nwchem
The which command tells you which binary you are using and where it is.
Running NWChem
First, make sure the NWChem environment variables are defined in your .bashrc file. Note that the commands you may have recently introduced in the .bashrc file may not be available. This file is executed only on login. To force the shell to execute the commands in this file use
$ source .bashrc
Our NWChem code has been compiled using the MPICH2 version of the message passing interface (MPI). This library allows the program to run in parallel on many processors. To run the MPI code the usual usage is:
mpirun.mpich -np <num_proc> nwchem input.nw >& output.out
Here, <num_proc> is the number of processors, input.nw is the file containing the NWChem commands and output.out is the output file.
We will normally use only one processor and label our input and output files to reflect the type of calculation being performed. For example, for a calculation of the Hartree-Fock energy of water we might use file names with H2O_HF as a prefix: }}}
mpirun.mpich -np 1 nwchem H2O_HF.nw >& H2O_HF.out
For this to work you will need to have the H2O_HF.nw file present. We will see how to create an NWChem command file below. For now, read on and be patient.
What are the >& and & for?
On a Linux/Unix system, we will often run commands using
code < IN.file >& OUT.file &
Here's what is all means:
code: This is the name of the executable.
< IN.file: This says pass the contents of the file IN.file to the executable. Sometimes it is not needed. We do not use this for NWChem.
>& OUT.file: The > says send the output to the file OUT.file. Sometimes things go wrong and we get an error message. To send this error message to the output file too we use >&.
&: Finally, we often end a command with a terminal &. This tells the system to run the process in the background.
To see what's going on use the top command:
$ top
This will give you a screen with the most significant processes, usually ranked by CPU usage. See if your job is included. It will be difficult to see this if there are a lot of NWChem jobs running as all will have the same name, i.e., nwchem. The thing to look for is the JOB_ID.
One way of obtaining your job ID is to use the process command ps. For example, I would use the following
$ ps -ef | grep 'alston'
There are two commands here. The first is ps -ef which on its own results in way too much information. All I need are the processes associated with me, i.e. user alston. To view only these I have *piped* the output of ps -ef into a search command grep alston which prints out only processes that have the word 'alston' in them, like so
$ ps -ef | grep 'alston' 501 584 211 0 2:53pm ?? 0:13.10 /Users/alston/Downloads/ -psn_0_147492 0 252 225 0 2:52pm ttys000 0:00.02 login -pfq alston /bin/bash 0 256 225 0 2:52pm ttys001 0:00.01 login -pfq alston /bin/bash 0 260 225 0 2:52pm ttys002 0:00.02 login -pfq alston /bin/bash 0 2820 225 0 8:59am ttys003 0:00.02 login -pfq alston /bin/bash 501 2826 2821 0 9:00am ttys003 0:00.00 grep alston
The pipe command is |. You could use many pipes. For example, to search for NWChem jobs I have initiated I would use:
$ ps -ef | grep 'alston' | grep 'nwchem'
Once you have found your JOB_ID using, you can now locate it in the output of top and make sure it is running (remember that short jobs could finish before you have a chance to type all these commands).
Stopping and killing a job
This doe not apply to MPI jobs!
Sometimes you've made a mistake and need to stop a job, or kill it, or perhaps you've forgotten to put it in the background and would like to do so. I you have the JOB_ID, then you could do the following:
- Kill the job:
$ kill JOB_ID This will send a kill signal to the JOB_ID and terminate it. Use ''top'' to monitor the progress of the *kill* command. * To kill all 'nwchem' jobs you have initiated: $ killall nwchem Use with caution as this will kill all your 'nwchem' jobs. * Stop a job: $ kill -STOP JOB_ID This will stop the job. You can re-start it using $ kill -CONT JOB_ID
If you've forgotten to run a job in the background and wish to logoff and go for a coffee you could do the following:
$ nwchem IN_FILE > OUT_FILE
Opps, forgot the &. You won't be given a $ prompt till this job finishes. But you can stop it using
This will result in
[1]+ Stopped nwchem $
Now you've got the prompt back and can re-start the job in the background using
$ bg <enter> $ [1]+ nwchem &
And check to see if it is running using top.
NWChem Jobs
Now let's see how to run some simple jobs with NWChem. If you'd like to see what these commands mean, have a look at the NWChem manual which can be found under the Documentation tab on the main NWChem page.
Hydrogen Atom
Let's start with the hydrogen atom as you already know what the correct ground-state energy of this system should be.
What is the g.s. energy of the H-atom in atomic units (a.u. or Hartree)?
First we use a small basis. This one is a STO-3G basis and looks like this:
BASIS "ao basis" PRINT #BASIS SET: (3s) -> [1s] H S 3.42525091 0.15432897 0.62391373 0.53532814 0.16885540 0.44463454 END
It consists of one basis function only. This function, in turn, is a linear combination of 3 s-type Gaussians. In mathematical form this basis function would look like (using $x$ rather than $\bf{r}$): $$ \phi(x) = 0.15432897 \exp{(-3.42525091 x2)} + 0.53532814 \exp{(-0.62391373 x2)} + 0.44463454 \exp{(-0.16885540 x^2)}. $$ Plot this function in Gnuplot and compare it with the $1s$ hydrogenic wavefunction.
Here are the NWChem commands to find the energy of the H-atom in this basis. Put this in file called h-sto3g.nw
Memory 500 mb charge 0 Geometry units bohr H 0.0 0.0 0.0 End Basis "ao basis" spherical H library STO-3G End Title "H STO-3G " SCF UHF Doublet End Task SCF energy
To run this job use
mpirun.mpich -np 1 nwchem h-sto3g.nw >& h-sto3g.out
This job will finish very quickly (a second). Have a look at the output in file h-sto3g.out. Find the total SCF energy (search for the string "Total SCF energy"). Is it what you expected? it should have been $-0.5$ a.u., but it will be something like $-0.46$ a.u. This is because of the basis set. We used a fairly small basis set and this means we will never get a good enough answer. To improve matters we can increase the basis set size. This is described in the next task.
Clean-up NWChem will create files you will usually not need. In the above example all you need to retain at the *.nw and *.out files. The rest can be deleted. So, from the files created:
- h-sto3g.db h-sto3g.movecs h-sto3g.nw h-sto3g.out
we remove the first two.
But first, let's dissect this command file:
Memory 500 mb : this sets the memory we have allocated to NWChem in megabytes. For a larger job give it more memory.
charge 0: the system is neutral. This is the default. If you wish, try a calculation with charge $+1$ and one with charge $-1$. What do you get for the energy?
Geometry...End: Here is where we have defined the molecular (atomic) geometry.
Basis...End: Then we define the basis set. The first line is usually exactly what I have used in this example. The second line H library STO-3G is where we specify that the hydrogen atoms in the system will use the STO-3G basis set from the NWChem library.
Title allows us to set a title for this job. This is optional, but is good practice.
SCF..End is where we define settings for the energy calculation. Here we have used the unrestricted Hartree--Fock (UHF) method and have stated that this is a system with doublet spin multiplicity. Why? Because hydrogen has only one electron so it has $s_z = 1/2$, so multplicity is $2s_z+1 = 2$, i.e., it is a doublet state. For closed-shell systems (rare gases, H$_2$O, etc.) $s_z = 0$, so the multiplicity is $1$ and we then specify Singlet.
Task SCF Energy tells NWChem to perform a task. This task is to compute the SCF energy for the system.
What is SCF?
We will discuss this in the lectures, but SCF stands for //self-consistent field//. In short, the Hartree--Fock equations need to be solved self-consistently as in this model, the Hamiltonian depends on the solution, so we make a guess for the solution, construct the Hamiltonian (called the Fock operator), solve it, get a new solution, from this calculate a new Fock operator, and so on till we achieve convergence.
Next use a larger basis: aug-cc-pVTZ. what does this basis look like? Have a look at the basis set site and search for this basis.
Copy the above file to h-avtz.nw. Do this using the command
- $ cp h-sto3g.nw h-avtz.nw
Do not type '$': the dollar symbol is the sign for the Linux prompt.
Now edit the file using pico or vim:
- $ pico h-avtz.nw
Find and replace 'STO-3G' with 'aug-cc-pVTZ'. Save the file.
Now run NWChem on this file:
$ mpirun.mpich -np 1 nwchem h-avtz.nw >& h-avtz.out
Have a look at the output. What is the final Hartree-Fock energy? How does it compare with that you obtained using the much smaller STO-3G basis.
Locate the basis set in the output file. How large is it?
When you have done the above question successfully, perform the following calculations.
- Save these input files.
- Run them.
- Look at the outputs.
- Get a feel for the kind of things NWChem writes in the output files.
Here's a simple energy calculation with the STO-3G basis set:
Memory 500 mb charge 0 Geometry units bohr O 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 H1 -1.4536519600 0.0000000000 -1.1216873200 H2 1.4536519600 0.0000000000 -1.1216873200 End Basis "ao basis" spherical H library STO-3G O library STO-3G End Title "H2O STO-3G " scf Singlet end task scf energy
Let's try an optimization using the same basis set. Here the positions of the atoms will be changed till the energy of the system is a minimum.
Memory 500 mb charge 0 Geometry units bohr O 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 H1 -1.4536519600 0.0000000000 -1.1216873200 H2 1.4536519600 0.0000000000 -1.1216873200 End Basis "ao basis" spherical H library STO-3G O library STO-3G End Title "H2O STO-3G Geometry Optimization" scf Singlet end task scf optimize
And here's a properties calculation. Here you will calculate the dipole moment and quadrupole moment of the water molecule.
Memory 500 mb charge 0 Geometry units bohr O 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 H1 -1.4536519600 0.0000000000 -1.1216873200 H2 1.4536519600 0.0000000000 -1.1216873200 End Basis "ao basis" spherical H library STO-3G O library STO-3G End Title "H2O STO-3G Multipoles " scf Singlet end property dipole quadrupole end task scf property