
Circuitikz : code for arduino

This may be the code to draw an Arduino. I have not tested it!


<code | circuitikz_arduino.tex>
                        % Carte arduino
                        \draw (-5,-2) -- (-2,-2);
                        \draw (-5,-2) -- (-5,3);
                        \draw (-5,3) -- (-2,3);
                        \draw (-2,3) -- (-2,-2);
                        \draw (-3.5,0.5) node {\textbf{Arduino}};

                        \draw (5,1) node[transformer] (tr) {};
                        \draw (-2.2,0.2) -- (-1.8,0.2);
                        \node[draw,circle,fill,inner sep=1pt] at (-2.2,0.2) {};
                        \draw (-2.2,-0.2) -- (-1.8,-0.2);
                        \node[draw,circle,fill,inner sep=1pt] at (-2.2,-0.2) {};
                        \draw (-1.8,0.2) -- (-1.8,1);
                        \draw (-1.8,-0.2) -- (-1.8,-1);

                        \draw (-1.8,1) -- (-1,1);
                        \draw (-1.8,-1) -- (-1,-1);
                        \draw (-1,1) to[inductor] (-1,-1);
                        \draw (-0.5,1) to[cspst,l=$c_1$] (-0.5,-1);
                        \draw (-0.5,1) to[voltage source,l=$9V$] (1,1);
                        \draw (1,1) to[generic,l=$1\ k\Omega$] (3,1);
                        \draw (-0.5,-1) -- (3,-1);
                        \draw (3,1) to[inductor] (3,-1);
                        \draw (3.5,1) to[cspst,l=$p_1$] (3.5,-1.1);
                        \draw (3.5,1) -- (tr.A1);
                        \draw (3.5,-2.1) to[voltage source,l=$12V$] (3.5,-1.1);
                        \draw (3.5,-2.1) -- (4.1,-2.1);
                        \draw (4.1,-2.1) -- (tr.A2);
                        \draw (-0.5,1) -- (-0.5,1.5);
                        \draw (3,1) -- (3,1.5);

                        \draw (-1.8,2.4) -- (-1.8,3);
                        \draw (-1.8,2.1) -- (-1.8,1.5);
                        \draw (-1.8,3) -- (-1,3);
                        \draw (-1.8,1.5) -- (-1,1.5);
                        \draw (-1,3) to[inductor] (-1,1.5);
                        \draw (-0.5,3) to[cspst,l=$c_2$] (-0.5,1.5);
                        \draw (-0.5,3) -- (3,3);
                        \draw (3,3) to[inductor] (3,1.5);
                        \draw (3.5,3) to[cspst,l=$p_2$] (3.5,1.5);
                        \draw (3.5,3) -- (4.5,3);
                        \draw (3.5,1.5) -- (4.5,1.5);
                        \draw (4.5,1.5) -- (4.5,2.1);
                        \draw (4.5,3) -- (7,3);
                        \draw (4.5,2.1) -- (7,2.1);
                        \draw (7,3) to[cspst,l=$fire$] (7,2);

                        \draw (6.1,1.5) -- (8.5,1.5);
                        \draw (tr.B1) -- (6.1,1.5);
                        \draw (8.5,1.5) to[capacitor,l=$680\mu$] (8.5,-1.1);
                        \draw (tr.B2) to[empty diode] (7,-1.1);
                        \draw (7,-1.1) -- (10,-1.1);
                        \draw (7,-1.1) to[capacitor,l=$680\mu$] (7,1.5);
                        \draw (10,3) to[inductor,l=canon] (10,-1.1);
                        \draw (7,3) -- (10,3);
                        \draw (7,1.5) -- (7,2);

                        \draw (-2.2,2.1) -- (-1.8,2.1);
                        \node[draw,circle,fill,inner sep=1pt] at (-2.2,2.1) {};
                        \draw (-2.2,2.4) -- (-1.8,2.4);
                        \node[draw,circle,fill,inner sep=1pt] at (-2.2,2.4) {};
        \caption{Circuit réel.}

AJMPublic/teaching/latex/circuits-arduino (last edited 2021-04-14 13:21:43 by apw109)