
Arduino : DAC & Audio : A Light Theremin

To see what we will end up with, have a look at this video.


The aims of this experiment are to


This list of aims should set the tone and character of your data collection and report. While we will build a light theremin in this experiment, the experiment is primarily about electronics. So your writeup should be likewise focused on the electronics!

Circuit diagrams: You have been supplied with two kinds of circuit diagrams

  • Schematic, and
  • Bread-board views.

Your report should include the schematic diagrams only. The bread-board views are there for your convenience only!


This experiment is based on the superb tutorial by Amanda Aghassaei on Instructables.

I have created all circuit diagrams with the Fritzing package. It is open source and really cool!


This project will be assessed on the following items:


Please make sure you have all of these before you proceed. And make sure you return all of these when you are done!

Outline of the experiment

This experiment consists of a few parts/

Suggested Timetable




Visualizing waveforms using the Serial Monitor.

AJMPublic/teaching/arduino-pi/projects/arduino/dac-audio (last edited 2021-04-14 13:13:13 by apw109)